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The historical importance of the Gettysburg Address is that the Civil War as not only a struggle for the Union, but also as a new birth of freedom that would bring equality to all of Americas' people, and that would created a unified nation where states' rights were no longer dominant. The Gettysburg Address also boosted the morale of the United States citizens in the Union during the tough times of the Civil War.

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This is a very simplified answer, but the Gettysburg Address was written to remind American citizens why they were fighting the civil war.

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Q: What was the importance of the Gettysburg Address at the time it was given?
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What are some ideas and details about the Gettysburg Address?

The Gettysburg Address was a speech by President Abraham Lincoln and was considered one of the best speeches of all time. He recognized those who had given their lives at the battle of Gettysburg, as well as made apparent the importance of human equality.

Who was the governor of Pennsylvania at the time Gettysburg address given?

Andrew G. Curtin was Pennsylvania's governor at the time Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address. He served in that capacity from 1861 to 1867.

Did Ben Franklin sign the grettysburg address?

No. The gettysburg address was a speech given by Abriham Lincoln! Benjamin Franklin would have been dead at the time Lincoln wrote it.

Who delivered the Gettysburg address on November 19 1863?

The person who delivered the Gettysburg Address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 19th of 1863 was Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). Serving as President of the United States at that time, a time in which North and South were engaged in the American Civil War, Lincoln's brief but powerful speech has become iconic in American society -- and even beyond.

Was Lincoln president at time of Gettysburg address?

Of course.

What was going on at Gettysburg when linsoln gave his famous speech?

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was given in November of 1863. The dedication of the cemetery was the only thing going on at the time. The Battle of Gettysburg took place months before, 1-4 July 1863.

What was the main goal of the Gettysburg dress?

The Gettysburg Address is a speech given in the dedication of the cemetery at the Gettysburg battlefield site where for 3 days of battle 50,000 men died. It is one of the greatest presidential speeches ever given. It took Lincoln about 10 minutes to give and people had a hard time hearing him because his voice was soft. The newspapers of the time didn't give it good reviews.

Why did Lincoln speak about the gettusburg address?

President Lincoln spoke about the Gettysburg address for two minutes. The Gettysburg address was a speech written to address the Union's war effort and to solidify support in the state of Pennsylvania.

What is the title of one of Abraham Lincoln's famous speeches?

The Gettysburg Adress was Lincoln's most famous speech of all time.

Why was the Gettysburg address speech made?

* The Gettysburg address was given on the occasion of the dedication of the new National Cemetery at Gettysburg, PA., because the main speaker invited Mr. Lincoln to "say a few words." * It was given on top of a hill in Gettysburg, PA in the cemetery where people had died from the war. * The speech told people why there was a war, which was for freedom, and Abraham Lincoln gave one of the most known speeches.

Something to write in an essay about the Gettysburg address?

Research it and take your time. =p

What were the issues facing the colonist at the time Gettysburg address?

There were no colonists involved in Gettysburg. The US had been a country for four score and seven (87) years.