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The code of Hammurabi had a huge impact in modern governments because it was one of the first written documents that talked about government. It shaped many governments by giving them a outline for how to write the government out. Hammurabi made the laws to keep together his kingdom but what he did had such an importance on law making today.

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The Hammurabi code was the first codified set laws written thus as far as we know, the code was a historical deed. This code was just for everyone in the empire being rich, poor or slave.

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Q: What was the impact of the code of Hammurabi?
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What was the importance of Hammurabi code of laws?

Hammurabi code of laws had a big impact then and now. Back in the Babylonian empire, his code of laws helped the people with every part of their daily lives. They knew what was against the law and what the punishments were if they broke the laws. Hammurabi's code of laws also has a big impact now because it influenced the rules and laws we have today. It contained some ideas that are still found in laws today. For example, we use the method of organization that started in Hammurabi's code(specific crimes had specific penalties). This is the importance of the Hammurabi's code of laws.

What was the importance of the code of Hammurabi?

Hammurabi code of laws had a big impact then and now. Back in the Babylonian empire, his code of laws helped the people with every part of their daily lives. They knew what was against the law and what the punishments were if they broke the laws. Hammurabi's code of laws also has a big impact now because it influenced the rules and laws we have today. It contained some ideas that are still found in laws today. For example, we use the method of organization that started in Hammurabi's code(specific crimes had specific penalties). This is the importance of the Hammurabi's code of laws.

Who was Hammurabi and what did he?

the hammurabi code

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What type of legal system did Hammurabi set up Code Of Hammurabi?

Code Of Hammurabi

Why on the code of Hammurabi is Hammurabi being handed the code of hammarabi?

It was his code he was the author.

Who developed the code of law in Babylon?

Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, developed the code of law there.

What are great facts about hammurabi?

Hammurabi is known for being the maker of the code of Hammurabi

How was Hammurabi's Code new and different?

Hammurabi's code is more strict

Why is the code of Hammurabi useful?

The Code of Hammurabi is the first written laws.

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Code of Hammurabi was the first known written law.

What king wrote the The Code of Hammurabi?
