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As a result of Julius Caesar's assasination, every member of the senate (over 300 people) and all who supported them (over 200 people) were killed by Octaivian (Ceasars son and heir) as an act of revenge.

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The immediate consequences of the assassination of Julius Caesar's assassination were public outage (Caesar was the hero of the people) an attempt of compromise between the supporters of the assassins in the senate and Marc Antony, who became the leader of the Caesarians (the supporters of Caesar) which, however, developed into conflict and war between the two. Then there was the Liberators' Civil War, which was between the forces of the Second Triumvirate (a three-man alliance between the Caesarian leaders, Marc Antony, Octavian and Lepidus) and those of Brutus and Cassius (the leaders of the conspiracy against Caesar).

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