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The Confederate bombardment of Fort Sumter signed the outbreak of the American Civil War-.

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Q: What was the effect after confederate soldiers fired on union troops in fort Sumter?
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The war between the states actually began on April 13 1861 when confederate troops bombarded what?

The war between the states actually began on April 133, 1861 when the Confederate troops bombarded Fort Sumter. The outcome was a victory for the Confederate Army.

When didthe civil war begin?

The US Civil War officially began on April 12, 1861 when Confederate soldiers began a siege of Union troops at Fort Sumter, which was on an island in the bay at Charleston, South Carolina. The Union soldiers were heavily outnumbered and outgunned, and were forced to surrender after two days.

What were the Confederate army troops looking for when they arrived at Gettysburg Pennsylvania?

Confederate soldiers were headed to Gettysburg Pennsylvania seeking shoes. Inadvertently they encountered Union soldiers. This was the inception of the Battle of Gettysburg.

In witch state did the civil war begin?

South Carolina, when the Confederate president, Jefferson Davis, ordered his troops to fire on Fort Sumter, an island-garrison in Charleston harbour, occupied by Union troops.

Who gained control over fort Sumter?

The North had control untill Major Anderson surredered the fort to the south.

Related questions

What was the effect of confederate soldiers firing on union troops at fort Sumter?

confederate soldier fire on union troops in fort sumter.

How many confederate soldiers fought against fort Sumter?

None died in the battle. One Union soldier died when a powder keg accidentally ignited while firing a 21-gun salute to the American Flag before it was lowered.

Who was the confederate general of the battle fort Sumter?

General P.G.T. Beauregard was the commanding general of the Confederate troops at the Battle of Fort Sumter. The Union was led by Major Robert Anderson.

What were the Southern results of Fort Sumter?

The United States troops surrendered the fort to the Confederate forces.

What was fort Sumter about?

The Battle of Fort Sumter marked the beginning of the Civil War, it was the first "official" battle. Fort Sumter was a Union Fort. But, Confederate troops wanted to seize it, as they had with other Union forts. They asked commanders at Fort Sumter to surrender, but they wouldn't. As a result, Confederate troops opened fire in an effort to seize Fort Sumter from the North. Southern troops fired first, followed by Americans. The bombardment lasted for about 3 days. Hope this helped...

How many lives where lost when the confederate troops fired at fort Sumter?

1 person 3 injuries

What was the confederate soldiers duties?

The confederate soldiers were to support the South's efforts to defend the Southern States. They also had a duty to repel the Union troops.

Where were the first shots fired of the Civil War?

The first shot's credited to the start of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter in South Carolina were the Confederate military attacked the fort.Fort sumpter

Confederate commander at Fort Sumter?

General PGT Beauregard.the commander of fort Sumter was Robert Anderson

What where confederate soldiers sometimes called?

Rebels, Johnny, Johnny reb, reb and greyback were some names given the Confederate soldiers by the Union troops.

The war between the states actually began on April 13 1861 when confederate troops bombarded what?

The war between the states actually began on April 133, 1861 when the Confederate troops bombarded Fort Sumter. The outcome was a victory for the Confederate Army.

When was the first shots fired of the cilvil war?

Confederate troops bombarded a federal arsenal at Fort Sumter in South Carolina.