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For it mass killings and its profittable labour workings

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Q: What was the concentration camp Auschwitz known for?
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How did the Auschwitz concentration camp begin?

The Auschwitz concentration camp began when beat you the hell up !

What kind of camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was a concentration camp.concentration and extermination camp

Was Auschwitz supposed to be an concentration camp?

Yes it was a concentration camp.

Why was Auschwitz the only concentration camp that tattooed its prisoners?

Because Auschwitz was the toughest concentration camp in the world at that moment.

When was Auschwitz concentration camp first established?

Auschwitz concentration camp was first established on March 22, 1933

Where was the largest concentration camp?

The largest concentration camp in ww2 was in Auschwitz.

What type of camp is Auschwitz?

Concentration camp and Extermination camp

What was built at Auschwitz?

A concentration camp.

Was Auschwitz the first concentration camp?


Why were Auschwitz and dachau the most famous concentration camps?

Auschwitz was an extermination camp that killed the most people.Dachau was the first concentration camp.

What concentration camp was considered the largest?

Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp.

What was hana brady's concentration camp name?

In 1944 she was transferred to the Auschwitz concentration camp.