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The Po Valley Campaign was the last campaign in Italy in WW2 and resulted in the complete surrender of the German forces that were occupying this country.

Rome was captured in June 1944. The objective after the fall of Rome was to advance as quickly as possible and force the Germans out of Italy and hopefully to move into Austria or Hungary. The main objective was the manufacturing centers of the cities that were in the low plains of the Po River and its tributaries. However, the Germans mananaged to establish a strong defensive line in the northern Appennine Mountains and stopped the Allied advance just short of Bologna and Hiway #9. The Allies halted their North Appenine Campaign in November 1944, when the fall rains made it too difficult to support further fighting.

It wasn't until April 1945 before the Allies launched a spring offensive, that attacked across the Po Valley. The campaign, that became known as the Po Valley Campaign, began with the British 8th Army attacking on the eastern flank and was followed by a major assault by the American 5th Army that captured Bologna. Then the 5th Army drove due north and crossed the Po River and pushed on to the Alps. On the western coast, the 92nd Infantry Division supported by 442 & 473 Regimental Combat Teams, drove along the western coast line and captured Genoa and only advanced a little further before the cease-fire order.

The Po Valley Campaign lasted only 21 days. The Germans were caught by surprise and could not organize a retreat or a fall-back position. The fighting was very confused and very fast paced. Many German small units simply arrived into a town to find it occupied by Allies. The German soldiers surrendered by the thousands.

During this push, the Italian partisans launched attacks behind the lines against the German troops. Benito Mussolini was captured by the partisans and was executed. The German surrender was announced on 2 May, 1945, thus ending the Po Valley Campaign and the War.


Short history of Capture of Imola by the British.

Capture of Vicenza

Maps - show the advance across the Po Valley:




Campaign Credits & UnitsUS units that fought in Italy during the Po Valley, April 1945, received credit for this campaign. Soldiers who served in these units received credit for a campaign on their Campaign medal.

The following US units fought in the Po Valley Campaign(listed in no particular order):

85th Infantry Division

88th Infantry Division

91st Infantry Division

92nd Infantry Division(black)

34th Infantry Division

1st Armored Division

10th Mountain Division

442nd Regimental Combat Team

473rd Regimental Combat Team

12th and 15th Army Air Forces

Other Allied units fought alongside the US 5th Army. The British 8th Army fought on the eastern flank.

Reference Books"Cassino to the Alps" - Ernest F. Fisher, Jr. Covers campaign from May 11 offensive to the capture of Rome and through to the end of war. One of several volumes of official US Army history.

"15th Army Group History: 16 December 1944 - 2 May 1945"- Battery Press, 1989.

"19 Days, From the Appennines to the Alps: The Story of the Po Valley Campaign". Printed in Milan in 1945, 90 pages, booklet.

"The Final Campaign across Northwest Italy, 14 April - 2 May 1945" by Headquarters IV Corps. booklet.

(Two books above were reprinted in hardbound book under title "19 Days".)



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The scorched earth strategy

Where did most of the fighting in Italy take place in ww11?

Answer The Italian Campaign was a long campaign that began with the invasion of Sicily in July 1943 and did not end until the Germans surrendered on 2 May 1945. The campaign can be divided into two parts: the period prior to the fall of Rome on 4 June 1944 and the period after that. The first part was a time when the Italian Campaign was the major front of the Allied advance in Europe. After the Normandy landings in June 1944, this began the second part of the campaign and approximately 1/3 of the forces were withdrawn out of Italy in support of the campaign in France. Battle for Sicily - July & August 1943 Battles for Cassino and Anzio - Jan - May 1944 Battle of Gothic Line - Sept 1944Portions of this includeBattle of Monte Battiglia (aka Battle Mountain) by 88 DivisionBattle of Ortona by Canadian Division Battle of Po Valley- April 1945

What was the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of Thomas Stonewall Jackson about?

The Shenandoah Valley is a very rich and fertile agricultural area. It produced much of the food that fed the Confederate Army in Virginia. Jackson's Valley campaign was about keeping the Valley from being overrun and occupied by the Yankees, which would deny this crucial source of food to the Rebels. Jackson had about 18,000 men. There were three separate Yankee armies ranged around the Valley, each as large or larger than Jackson's force. By rapid marches, which astonished the world for the distance covered, Jackson managed to confront, surprise and defeat each of these Yankee forces. The efforts of Jackson and his "foot cavalry" (so called for the distance and rapidity of their marches) tied up in excess of 60,000 Yankee troops, and kept those Yankees from participating in the effort of McClellan to capture Richmond, which was going on at the same time. Jackson's Valley Campaign is the only campaign of the Civil War which is still studied at military schools and academies such as West Point and VMI (where Jackson was a faculty member before the war), because it is still relevant in the lessons to be drawn from it today.

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