About 2, but before that it had to be a boy or they wouldn't take them, Actually, it was about 3.8 children per family, down from 7 in the 1800s, and they did not 'refuse' the baby if she was a girl.
The average farm in 1750 in virginia was about 200 gold shillings (No paper money aloud in this time Currency Act)
Some women had jobs or worked for themselves in the 1800s. Most middle class and upper class women were what we now call home makers or house wives. Remember that most people lived on farms in those days. Farm women are farmers as much as the men, although they performed different functions on the farm.
Size 14 is the average dress size.
12 million cubic Hunters.
The Average size of a U.S. farm is 418 acres.
The average farm size is 3.3 acres
2000 acres
The average was an astonishing 5-6 children per family.
The average size of a farm in the United States is approximately 444 acres, but this can vary significantly depending on the region and type of farming operation. Globally, farm sizes can range from small subsistence farms of less than one acre to large commercial farms spanning thousands of acres.
3 miles
about 2 hectares I think most "townies" would not know what a hectare is, therefore something like: What is the average size farm in Japan? about 2 hectares, the size of two football pitches
There were 2.2 million acres of farm land in 2007, with an average size of 418 acres per farm.
In the United States, the average farm is approximately 418 acres. The majority of farms, roughly 88 percent, are small family farms.
418 hectares which is 1,033 acres for us Americans
anywhere from 1 to 3 acres!
sod and wooden