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The average age for pilots during the battle of britain was 20

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Q: What was the average age of pilots during battle of Britain?
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How man pilots did Britain lose in the battle of Britain?

Britain lost 544 aircrew in Battle of Britain. They don't separate pilots or others into trades.

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56 Pilots saw service in the Battle of Britain, this included 804 and 808 Naval Air Squadrons and Pilots attached to RAF Fighter Command Squadrons, of which 9 lost their lives during the battle.

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Why do we celebrate The Battle of Britain?

If It wasn't for the pilots of the Battle of Britain, we could all be speaking German.

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pilots for the British RAF

Was Australia inpacted in the battle of Britain?

The primary impact was that Great Britain's victory was also a victory for all of the Commonwealth nations. Many Commonwealth pilots flew British aircraft during that Air Battle in the summer of 1940.

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According to a historical internet site : 15 french pilots participated in the Battle of Britain. Most of them in squadron 245.

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The Luftwaffe discontinued the battle because of unacceptably high losses of aircraft and pilots.

What two things saved great Britain from defeat in the battle of Britain?

Radar and the courage of the RAF pilots.

What were the total casualties for bothe sides during the Battle of Britain?

176 German aircraft. 25 british aircraft with 13 pilots dead or missing.