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taking risky investments

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Q: What was speculation in the 1920's?
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Why was speculation in the stock market so popular in the 1920s?

Because it was believed to get people rich quick.

The new york institution in which continuously rising prices?

. . . . . and profits were fueled by speculation in the 1920s? Wall Street

What was the new york institution in which continously rising prices and profits were fueled by speculation in the 1920s?

the stock market

Why did many investors buy stocks on speculation in the late 1920s?

Buyers hoped to make a quick profit.

Which best summarizes American economic issues at the end of the 1920s?

underproduction, too many credit purchases, stock speculation

The New York institution in which continuously rising prices and profits were fueled by speculation in the 1920s?

New York Stock Exchange I believe is your answer. Lol I just found it myself for AP History workbook homework.

What does idle speculation mean?

speculation that is unlikely to be true

When was Pure Speculation created?

Pure Speculation was created in 2005.

Can it be inferred that the government's laissez-faire policies of the 1920s were detrimental to the economy?

YES. The US government's nonregulation of Wall Street allowed for rampant speculation and buying stocks on margin. These two acts, more than any others, led to the Great Depression.

How did the fashion in the 1920s reflect the new freedoms many women were enjoying?

It reflected the new freedoms many women were enjoying because the hemlines were higher than ever before and many women also were able to wear pants without too much speculation.

What does market speculation mean?

A Stock market speculation means - Predicting the price of a market entity (A Stock for example) in future. If the speculation is positive, we buy. If our speculation is negative, we don't bye or sellbuy low sell high

How would you use the word speculation in a sentence?

he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it