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Napoleon's involvement in the Louisiana Purchase was that he SOLD Louisiana to the American colonies.

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It was an essential role.

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Q: What was napoleons involvement in The Louisiana Purchase?
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What made president jefferson reluctant to approve the louisiana purchase?

President Jefferson was reluctant to approve the Louisiana Purchase because he was not certain that it was legal. He was worried the constitution did not allow the purchase.

Who contributed to napoleons decision to see Louisiana except?

George N. Henning.

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The correct spelling is Louisiana Purchase (1803).

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Louisiana Purchase occurred 1803 and Alaska Purchase occurred in 1867. So obviously, Louisiana.

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Thomas Jefferson at the time of the purchase faced domestic opposition because it was thought to be unconstitutional. He agreed that the U.S. Constitution did not contain provisions for acquiring territory, and struggled with the decision to go ahead with the purchase.

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The Louisiana Purchase.

Was Wyoming a part of the Louisiana Purchase?

Most of Wyoming was part of the Louisiana Purchase

Why was napoleons willing to sell the Louisiana territory to the united state?

He no longer needed a base in North America. (apex)