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King Henry the eighth favouritecolour is gold

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Q: What was king Henry VIII favourite colour?
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What was king Henry's favorite color?

Henry the viii favourite colours were green and gold

Who is Henry 8th's favourite painter?

Hans Holbein the Younger was a very popular painter in King Henry VIII's court

Did King Henry VIII have King Henry the 7 as a brother?

No, King Henry VII was King Henry VIII's father.

The Crusade of Kings was led by?

king Henry VIII

Who was the father of queen Elisabeth 1?

King Henry VIII. Her mother was Queen Anne Boleyn.

Was King Henry VIII king when the Mary Rose sank?

The Mary Rose was King Henry VIII's favourite ship, It went out to sea whilst king Henry was still on the throne and when turning too quickly it fell on its side. The Cannon holes were open at the time so water seeped into the ship very quickly which caused it to sink. King Henry was distraught when he lost his favourite ship. The ship can still be seen today at a museum somewhere in the country.Watching it sink from shore.

A sentence for King Henry VIII?

Here is a sentence for King Henry VIII. King Henry was the son of Elizabeth of York and Henry VII of England.

Who is responsible for the the formation of the Anglican church?

King Henry VIII of England.

When was King Henry VIII School Abergavenny created?

King Henry VIII Grammar School was created in 1542.

What is the name of king Henry VIII's 18th wife?

King Henry VIII only has six wifes!

What did king Henry VIII of England do in 1900 regarding Ireland?

King Henry VIII died in 1547.

Who was King Henry the VIII 3rd wife?

King Henry VIII's third wife was Jane Seymour.