Lower prices for grain storage was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s.
Give communities a place to meet and organize farmers to demand political change.
to improve farmers living standards.Comment:Guodong Gulol complete sentence?Give communities a place to meet and organize farmers to demand political change♪
prevented the formation of a unified social class--poor farmers--by granting political privileges to whites only
liberals and convervaties
neither republican or democrats satisfied the farmers.
Lower prices for grain storage was a political goal for farmers in the 1800s.
The political goal of farmers was lower prices for grain storage.
Hold on to political and economic power.
To hold on Political and Economic Power
lower prices for grain storage. (apex)
Hold on to political and economic power.
Hold on to political and economic power.
Fair prices for products produced and sold, fair shipping costs, etc. were political goals for farmers at different times in history.
Hold on to political and economic power.
Give communities a place to meet and organize farmers to demand political change.
Many of the farmers I know don't have what they would call "political goals". They simply want big government to stop interfering in how their farms are run.
A political goal for farmers historically has been to secure fair prices for their crops through government subsidies or price controls. More recently, farmers may also advocate for policies that promote sustainable agricultural practices and protect against the effects of climate change.