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It was the Crematorias in the Death Camps

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Q: What was Lilith's cave during the Holocaust?
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What actors and actresses appeared in The Two Liliths - 2009?

The cast of The Two Liliths - 2009 includes: Violeta Nedkova as Lilith

Where there Mexican's in the Holocaust?

The Mexicans were in Mexico during the Holocaust.

How did you spread love during the Holocaust?

by saying there is hope!!!!! that is how you spread love during the holocaust

Where did the term Pogrom originate during the holocaust?

The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.

What type of people were killed during the Holocaust and how many?

The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.

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Germany's name never changed during the Holocaust.

Who stayed with the franks during the holocaust?

The Van Pels family stayed with the Franks during the holocaust.

Holocaust what was sura andrezejko number during the Holocaust?

She was #42513

Who were the suviours of the holocaust?

They were people who suffered during the Holocaust and lived after it.

Did they read a lot during the Holocaust?

No they did not read during the Holocaust because the Nazis took everything they owned

How many blacks were there during the Holocaust?

It is estimated that 25,000 to 50,000 African Germans died during the holocaust.

Who ruled russia during the holocaust?

Joseph Stalin was the dictator of Russia during WW2 and the Holocaust.