President Johnson's policy was to do what was necessary to defend South Vietnam against being conquered by North Vietnam. This involved a continually increasing number of US troops, which was described as escalation. Or as Tom Paxton put it,
Lyndon Johnson told the nation
Have no fear of escalation
I am trying everyone to please
Though it isn't really war
We're sending fifty thousand more
To help save Vietnam from the Vietnamese.
Lyndon Johnson was responsible for the massive increase in American military in the Vietnam War. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident eventually brought 2 million combat troops from America.
== ==
Social Legislation slowed down because of the cost of Vietnam. (Apex)
Mexico was neutral.
President Johnson's ultimate goal in Vietnam was to disengage without losing the war. This was back in history.
Lyndon Johnson greatly escalated America's involvement in the Vietnam War.
== ==
Social Legislation slowed down because of the cost of Vietnam. (Apex)
They weren't.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
Vietnam took time and attention away from the war on poverty
Mexico was neutral.
They weren't.
Because they believed theVietnamWar was a civil war , which it was, and that our involvement was unnecessary.