Hitler wanted revenge for Germany's loss of world war one. As he was getting higher and became the Furer he was constantly preparing for war and indoctrinating the people since their childhood.
"Give me the books and schools and I will control the nation"
"If you say a lie loudly and with authority, it becomes the truth"
-Adolph Hitler-
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names
Chancellor of Germany
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
Hitlers Germany
Hungrary slovakia Italy
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names
Yes Hitlers Germany was an empire
Yes Hitlers Germany was an empire
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
Chancellor of Germany
He was a politician and chancellor of Germany.
Chancellor of Germany.
Nazi Germany and the Third Reich were Hitlers German empire names.
he wanted to build a strong Germany.
Hitlers Germany
Anschluss i hope