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President Truman did do good things. But, my number one "pet peeve" about him was his involvement with the Korean War. I would rather the US had never gone to Korea. It was a brutal and senseless war that is actually still on today. We only called a truce at the end of the war. That is why there is still US Military personnel there and North Korean Forces there. There is actually a building on the line in which a Korean soldier stands on one side and a South Korean or American Soldier stands on the other side. And this is inside the building. My father sad that war was worse than the war in Europe when he served in World War 2. I have heard other Korean War Vets say the same thing.

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14y ago

Some people did not like his order to use the atomic bomb on Japanese cities. Some did not like his support of developing the H-bomb. He drew some fire when he relieved MacArthur of command and and Korean War dragged on and on while he was in office.

On a personal note, he was never presidential nor refined. He pretty much said whatever came to his mind and often said it in salty language. For example , he once wrote a letter to a critic who had given a negative review of his daughter's singing and said something to the effect that the critic would need a new nose if they ever met.

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12y ago

Harry S. Trumn disliked stalin. Because stalin was a rude murdering senator. Stalin basically wanted to kill everyone in the world(which im suprised he didnt.) His man goal was ALL the jews. If you were a jew (an im prefect jew) For example: NOT a blonder hair or blue eyes then you wouldve been killed the first time he saw you, unless yuo were a hard worker. Which then eanred him lots of money, he would work you to death....

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