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From what I can see, in order of precedence:

Silver Star

- For gallantry in action; between Navy Cross and Bronze Star.

Purple Heart with Star

- Wounded in action twice.

Presidential Unit Citation

- Awarded to all members of a unit "or extraordinary heroism in action against an armed enemy on or after December 7, 1941." Unit equivalent of the Navy Cross.

Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation

- Issued by RVN to units "having performed deeds of valor or who have displayed heroic conduct while fighting an enemy force."

Good Conduct with Star

- Six straight years (two three-year terms) of service without disciplinary action

Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal

- For landing on foreign territory or participating in action against an enemy force.

National Defense Medal with Star

- For active duty during Korea and Vietnam

Korea Service with Three Stars

- Participated in three different campaigns in the Korean War

Vietnam Service

- Active duty during Vietnam War

Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation

- Issued by Republic of Korea to units serving between 1950 and 1954. (Gunny Hartman has the appropriate Navy frame.)

Korea Service, United Nations

- "Awarded to any military service member, of an Armed Force allied with South Korea, who participated in the defense of Korea from North Korean aggression between the dates of June 27, 1950 and July 27, 1954."

Vietnam Campaign Medal

- Service in South Vietnam between 1961 and 1973.

Hartman also wears what appear to be expert qualification badges for rifle (left) and pistol (right), each with a re qualification bar (IE he passed the marksmanship course multiple times).

NOTE: looks like some of these change during the film. In the initial scene (I am Gunnery Sergeant Hartman monologue) it appears he has three stars on the Korea Service medal; in the Rifleman's Creed scene ("Tonight you pukes will sleep with your rifles") he has no stars on the Korea Service medal but two on the Vietnam Service medal.

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