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They used canoes that they made from trees. If your stupid and wanna know how I will explain you ding dong. They burned the trees the tree came down they skinned it open and carved out their canoes.Smart ones.

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Q: What type of transportation did sailor Indians use to get out to sea with there large nets?
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What is a sentence using the word sailor?

The sailor almost lost his grip on the nets as furious waves rocked the boat.

How did the sailor native Americans used to get their nets into the sea?

a wooden boat

What were Shawnee Indians Nets Made Of?


How do Indians catch fish?

spears, nets, traps!! :)

What tools did wyandot Indians use?

nets, harpoons, tomohawks, shields

How did Indians fish?

they caught

How was lacrosse played?

lax was played by indians, using heads as the ball and sticks with nets as the sticks

What weapons did the pacific northwest Indians used?

Spears, lances, harpoons, fishing nets, etc.

There are basketball nets for cheap.?

The best places to find secondhand basketball nets and related items are on websites such as Ebay and Amazon, which have a large selection of many secondhand objects.

Why is it not possible to harvest phytoplankton on a large scale for food?

they are small and slip through nets

In what jobs may someone use a net?

Fishing commonly uses nets. Cargo nets are also convenient for loading large quantities of goods. Some forms of agriculture use nets to protect crops from predators. Furthermore, many sports use nets, such as soccer/football, so professional athleticism could be considered a net-using job.

Can you list Yurok Indians tools?

they are weirs to catch fish, elk antlers to split tree trunks for wood , the rest are bows arrows, spears ,and nets