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The key elements to making fission bombs are: Uranium and Plutonium. The specific isotopes of interest are: Uranium-233, Uranium-235, and Plutonium-239.

The key elements to making fusion bombs are: Hydrogen and Lithium. The specific isotopes of interest are: Hydrogen-2 (aka Deuterium), Hydrogen-3 (aka Tritium), Lithium-6, and Lithium-7.

But many other elements are needed to make a functional bomb of either type. As a very rough guess, about a quarter of the elements on the Periodic Table are needed somewhere in the bomb, roughly 23 different elements in total, for either type of bomb.

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7y ago

That is not how atomic bombs work, atoms are not "smacked together".

In fission bombs a neutron chain reaction triggers an exponentially accelerating fission rate leading to an explosion.

In fusion bombs x-rays compress and heat hydrogen triggering thermonuclear fusion leading to an explosion.

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Q: What two elements were used in the atomic bomb?
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It was used in the world war two, its an atomic bomb!

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Uranium-235 or plutonium-239 are the two primary elements used to make an atomic bomb. These elements undergo fission reactions, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process.

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Uranium-235 and plutonium-239 were the two radioactive elements chosen for the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Which two elements were used to produce the atomic bombs?

The key elements to making fission bombs are: Uranium and Plutonium. The specific isotopes of interest are: Uranium-233, Uranium-235, and Plutonium-239. But many other elements are needed to make a functional bomb. As a very rough guess, about a quarter of the elements on the periodic table are needed somewhere in the bomb, roughly 23 different elements in total.

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Of the two dropped on Japan, one was a Uranium bomb and the other a Plutonium bomb. Both Uranium and Plutonium are elements, and are radioactive. The radioactivity makes these elements suitable as sources of energy, for power generation or explosions.

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the atomic bomb was used to kill thousands of people in Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, two main cities in Japan. the point of dropping them was to end the war through destruction and violence not peace.

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The atomic bomb had no effects on WW1 at it did not exist.

What two bombs changed the world?

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Where did the US drop first and only atomic bomb used in a war?

It was two atomic bombs, not one.