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First he was tortured. Then he was dragged to his place of execution. Then hung until almost dead. After that his belly was slit open and his genitalia removed. Then cut into four pieces and finally beheaded. (Hung, drawn and quartered) His various pieces were then put on display a lesson to others.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Guy Fawkes was stretched until all of his bones were dislocated and his arms and legs were out of his sockets, then he was hung until he was half dead, then when he was still alive his stomache was cut open and his organs were burned in front of him, then he was quarted and then finally he was beheaded.

he wasnt beheaded at all if he is sliced up (quatered) what would be the point on chopping his head of?

Actually he was beheded, then they stuck his head on a pike and displayed it, then his quartered parts were distrubuted all over the country. The point is that it intimidates others so that they will not commit treason like him.

When he was being taken on too the place to be hung he went and jumped off the edge to brake his neck so he would die instant of being painfully. Although they knew he was dead they still carried out the same torture.

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13y ago

Guy Fawkes was hung, drawn and quartered. This involved cutting him into quarters, removing some of his body parts (while he is still alive), hanging him until he is NEARLY dead and then attatching him to a horse and cart and dragging him around the town for all to see, eventually killing him. This is said to be one of the worst ways by which someone could die.

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13y ago

He got hung,drawn and quatered

i bet he was gutted :D

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15y ago

Guy Fawkes and other tried to blow up Parliament with gunpowder. In those days, punishments for many crimes were very harsh.

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