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Q: What tool did President Roosevelt use to dismantle trusts and monopolies during the Progressive Era?
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Why did Britain leave its colonies?

One of the things discussed in the mid Atlantic in the early days of WW2 in a meeting between Roosevelt and Churchill was the colonies of Britain. Roosevelt and the US frowned on colonialism and believed it had no place in the modern world .Churchill was on that ship to plead for US aid. Even a hard nosed old bulldog knows when he's over a barrel and part of the agreement was that Britain would begin to dismantle its Empire after the war.

Who was Anwar Sadat?

Anwar Sadat was Egypt's president from 1970 until his assassination in 1981. He was born December 25, 1918. Sadat graduated from military school in 1938 and straight away went about working to dismantle colonialism, initially pinning his hopes on Hitler's Germany as Britain's enemy.

Does Osama bin Laden have anything to do with the Afghan War?

"Supposedly" The war followed the September 11 attacks, and its public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and denying it a safe basis of operation in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power.

How did the allied powers punish' the central powers after the war?

The allied powers punished the central powers after the war by forcing them to dismantle their armies, suffer sanctions, and limited their economic growth. This was done to help prevent them from repeating their behavior.

How did the allied powers punish the central powers after the war?

The Treaty of Versailles was meant to force the central powers to dismantle their armies and prevent their economic growth by forcing them to pay reparations for the war. This was mostly to help prevent them from repeating the warring behavior.

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Who was the first president to unilaterally dismantle some US nuclear weapons?

Ronald reagan

The first American president to unilaterally dismantle some US nuclear weapons was?

George Bush was the first American president to unilaterally dismantle some US nuclear weapons. In 1991, he committed the U. S. to the destruction of some chemical weapons.

What does dismantle title mean?

dismantle certificate of title to scrap, dismantle or destroy the vehicle

Use dismantle in a sentence?

Let's dismantle a Mercedes tonight!

How do you dismantle a Bi-orb?

You should not dismantle it as it will break the seal

How do you put dismantle in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.We must dismantle the bomb before it explodes!They will dismantle the house and demolish it.She likes to dismantle machinery and put it back together.

What does dismantled mean?

dismantle certificate of title to scrap, dismantle or destroy the vehicle

How do you dismantle the airbags in a 2003 Volvo?

What do you mean by dismantle? Remove the airbag module?

What is the meaning of the word 'dismantle'?

The word 'dismantle' means to take apart or dismantle a structure, system, or object, often with the intention of removing or destroying it. It can also refer to the act of dismantling a group or organization by breaking it down into its constituent parts.

What part of speech is dismantle?

The word dismantle is a regular verb. The past tense is dismantled.

When was How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb created?

How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb was created in 2020-11.

Can you use dismantle in a sentence?

When the company went into bankruptcy, they had to dismantle their factories and liquidate their assets.