Your uncle's daughter is your first cousin. In the English language, it does not matter whether the uncle is a maternal uncle or a paternal uncle. All the children of your aunts and uncles are your first cousins.
Sorry, no... you are related in a way.
Your aunts and uncles are the sisters and brothers of your parents. So they are "blood related." But you also call the husband of your mother's sister your uncle, and he is not "blood related." So aunts and uncles are not always really related to you.
Your niece and nephew.
Anyone can "call the cops" on anyone else. The question is, will the accusation stick? If there is evidence to suggest you are neglecting or abusing your daughter, or denying him his parental rights as father of your daughter, or if by taking your daughter you are violating a court order, you may well have to explain yourself, at the least.
she would be called your cousin. Maternal uncle's daughter is your cousin.
your uncles daughter would be your cousin
Your uncles daughter would be your cousin.
your uncles daughter would be your cousin
Your uncle/aunt's son/daughter is an adult and you are still small, your uncle/aunt's daughter had a child, and that child will call you uncle. Uncles/aunts are your dad/mom's siblings.
Your uncle's grandchild would be your second cousin because his grown son or daughter would be your first cousin.
Her aunts/uncles daughter.
Yes, Florence Nightingale had three maternal uncles: Samuel, Roger, and Luke Smith. They were important figures in her life and supported her in her endeavors.
If you really want to marry your uncles grandaughter.It is not illegal.
incest fun for the whole family
Sorry, no... you are related in a way.