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It is dearness only that gives everything it's value; Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods.

Parallelism is where you say the same thing twice, just differently. In both statements, Paine is saying that Heaven is almighty, just once as dearness and again as Heaven.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Man and Woman.

Gather Strength from disress,brave by reflection.

What signifies it to me, whether he who does it is a king or a common man: my countryman, or not my countryman; Whether it be done by an idividual villian or an army of them.

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Q: Do you have an example of parallelism in Thomas Paine - The Crisis?
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Who is the aurthor of common sense and the crisis?

Thomas Paine

What rhetorical strategy is Thomas Paine most clearly using in this line?


In the crisis no1 by Thomas Paine what is Thomas Paine trying to tell the colonists and soldiers?


What was the genre of The Crisis No 1 by Thomas Paine?


Author of common sense and the crisis?

That author is Thomas Paine.

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He uses some parallelism, metonymy/synechdoche and anaphora.

Who is the aurthor of common sense and the crisis?

Thomas Paine

What rhetorical strategy is Thomas Paine most clearly using in this line?


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Thomas Paine's "Common Sense", Thomas Paine's "The Crisis", Thomas Jefferson et. al. "Declaration of Independence. Take your pick.

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The quote "Show your faith by your works" by Thomas Paine is found on page 13 of The Crisis by Thomas Paine.

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Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense", "The Crisis", "The Right of Man", and "The Age of Man"

Author of common sense and the crisis?

That author is Thomas Paine.

What did thomas Paine write that influenced the American Revolution?

The Crisis