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Q: What rhetorical strategy is Thomas Paine most clearly using in this line?
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The more men have to lose the less willing are they to venture. What rhetorical strategy is Thomas Paine most clearly using in this line?

Parallelisim- Apex

In the following pages I offer nothing more than simple facts plain arguments and common sense. Thomas Paine most clearly begins his argument with what rhetorical strategy?


Which is the most prominent kind of rhetorical appeal Thomas Paine here?


What rhetorical device did Thomas Paine not use in the crisis?

He uses some parallelism, metonymy/synechdoche and anaphora.

From Thomas Paine's American Crisis what rhetorical devices does Paine use?

Thomas Paine uses various rhetorical devices in "The American Crisis," including powerful imagery to evoke emotions, parallel structure for emphasis, persuasive appeals to reason and emotion (ethos, logos, pathos), repetition for emphasis, and vivid metaphors to inspire hope and courage.

Who were the leaders of The Enlightenment of America?

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine A+

Why Thomas Pain argued for independence because?

Thomas Paine had an ability to describe clearly the different sides of controversial issues. He wanted a country of the people.

How many children did Thomas Paine have?

thomas paine had 0 kids

What rhetorical appeal Thomas Paine use in no country on the globe is so happily situated or so internally capable of raising a fleet as America?

Logos (apex)

Who wrote common sense a pamphlet that convinced many Americans that complete break with Britain was necessary?

Thomas Paine.

Is thomas Paine single?

No, thomas Paine is not single.

Who was the author for common sense?

thomas Paine