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The War Guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles required Germany to accept all responsibility for all the damage of the war caused by Germany and its allies. The Treaty of Versailles also required Germany to disarm (no more standing army) and concede a substantial amount of territory. Widely regarded as the most damaging by historians is the stipulation that Germany had to pay the equivalent of 442 billion US dollars to the Allied powers.

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Q: What terms of the treaty specifically affected Germany?
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What Terms of The Treaty of Versailles specifically affected Germany?

The Treaty of Versailles decreed that Germany pay restitution for the damage suffered by other countries in the war. She was also denied forming an alliance with her wartime ally Austria and received military rebuilding sanctions.

What terms of treaty specifically affected Germany?

Reparations of £6.6 billion crippled and humiliated Germany. They were no longer allowed an air force, and the army was restricted to 100,00 men. They lost territory, e.g. Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France.

How did Germany react to Treaty of Versailles?

Germany accepted the terms as war aggressor.

What were the terms of the peace treaty that Germany had to accept?

Pay reparations to the allies.

When Hitler rearmed Germany in 1920 and 1930 he violated the terms of which document?

The Treaty of Versailles.

Name Three terms of the Treaty that ended World War I?

Germany, france, inland

How did the Germans react to the Treaty of Versailles?

AnswerThere was anger throughout Germany when the conditions were made public.Also, the Nazi's used the treaty's ridiculous terms to rally people to their cause.

Why was the war guilt clause in the treaty of Versailles the most difficult terms for Germany to accept?

It identified Germany as the nation that had started the war.

Which nations were responsible for the Treaty of Versailles?

Germans and there allies Answer # 2 The above answer is incorrect. The French and the British were responsible for setting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles (if you are referring to the treaty the ended WWI). Germany, at that time, was not strong enough to set the terms; if so the terms would have been very different.

Why was the treaty of versi signed?

First of all its the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty of Versailles was the Treaty that ended World War Two . In its terms Gemrany lost much of its land because of losing the war.

Why were German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace terms of the Versailles treaty?

The terms of peace laid out by the Versailles Treaty were actually plans to decimate the German military and economy.

What are three terms of the treaty of Versailles that ended the world war 1?

Germany must surrender its submarines and weapons.