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The two major reasons for death in the whole world are hunger and unclean drinking water, which cause diarrhea and dehydration which make people vulnerable to a whole host of diseases that kill.


AKA: Spanish flu/Influenza, A virus subtype H1N1

First spotted in an Army hospital in Kansas on March 4, 1918, this incredibly virulent flu strain appeared around the world by late summer; the true extent of the threat became apparent when it ravaged Spain, giving it its popular name. Spread by troop movements during the still-raging World War I, it killed more than double the number of people slain in that conflict, including 675,000 in America alone-a higher death toll than that of all the United States' 20th century wars combined, before disappearing.

THE DEATH TOLL: approx. 50-100 million

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Q: What ten most dangerous diseases have killed the most people?
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