Yes. It had a smaller circumference, making it easier to pass.
What is the best way to paint a football helmet?Just to collect not for use.
cooking oil
Native Americans used the mighty buffalo when they needed food, shelter, and bone tools and weapons.
John 3:16
I am willing to contribute to this noble cause according to my mite.
You might be a mite off-track with that idea. That mite might bite.
it is the size of your foot divided by 2
Regular size
I hit the mite with all my might.
A kids size football can be size 4-5 depends how old you think a kid is.
For under 14 Gaelic Football, you use a full size pitch and goals, with a size 4 football being used...
It might be a mite that's causing your skin irritation.
there are many sizes ranging from the lesser used size 2 to size 6 proffesionals use size 5
what is the best way to kill dust mite and remove them out of the hair
I might go to the beach if the weather is nice. I found a tiny mite crawling on my arm.
Everyone was in awe of such a mighty man.