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Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

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Freeda Kris

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9y ago

The short term effect that sit ins and other civil rights protest have on life in the south is that businesses suffered from the mass actions.

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Civil Rights leaders were arrested

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Q: What short time back did sit ins and other civil rights protest have on life in the south?
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What short term effect did sit in and other civil rights protest on life in the south?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

What short term effect did sit-ins and other civil rights protest have on life in the south ?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

What short term effect did sit ins and other cilvil rights protest have on life the south?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

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Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

What short-term effect did sit ins and other civil rights protesets have on life in the South?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

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Civil rights come from?

Civil rights vary from country to country - although there is a Declaration of Human Rights (from the United Nations) - and so all 'rights' are derived from the society a person lives in. We give each other these rights to make community living easier and to help in formulating laws and punishments. (OR for a short answer, The Bill of Rights)

What short term did sit-ins and other civil right protests have on life in the south?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

What short term effect did sit-ins and other civil right protesters have on life in the south?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

What short-term effect did sit -ins and other civil right protests have on life in the south?

Segregationists became more violent, businesses suffered from the mass actions, and civil rights leaders were arrested

How did Rosa Park contributed to the community or the the world?

To make a great and long story short she was a big help in the civil rights movement.

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