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James Madison plad the consitution role..<3

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Q: What role did James Madison play in helping America gain independence?
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Who was the therd and Fourth president of America?

James Madison James Madison

Did James Madison sign the Declaration of Independence?

James Madison was our President and did sign the Constitution, but did not sighn the Declaration of Independence, nor attend. that helped alot.:-)

Why was James Madison considered the the father of the constitution?

James Madison wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

Why James Madison considered the Father of the Constitution?

James Madison wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution.

Where is James Madison's signature on the Declaration of Independence?

It's not there. Madison didn't sign the Declaration.

Who protected the Declaration of Independence?

James Madison should protect it.

Who was America's fourth president?

America's fourth president was James Madison, who served from 1809 to 1817. He is known as the &quot;Father of the Constitution&quot; for his role in drafting the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Drafted the Virginia Plan?

I believe it is James Madison

Who ruled America in 1810?

The president was James Madison.

Who had ideas for the basis of the American declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison

Who must protect the Declaration of Independence?

James Madison should protect it.

Did America prosper during the presidency of James Madison?
