Many rights were not in the original Constitution of the United States. The rights of freedom of speech, religion, assembly, the right to keep and bear arms, freedom from slavery, voting rights, women's rights, and many more were not present. The Bill of Rights added most of these freedoms, but the end of slavery, voting rights, and the rights of women were not established until much later.
There were 7 articles in the original Constitution.
The National Archives in Washington DC, right next to the Declaration of Independence
The original purpose of the 2nd Amendment in the United States Constitution was to ensure that citizens have the right to bear arms for self-defense and to maintain a well-regulated militia.
Freedom of Assembly
Creating the constitution was difficult and controversial. Some of the items in the bill of rights were not thought of when the constitution was written. Others were too controversial and there was fear that if they were included in the original the constitution would not have been passed.
yes. They didn't have the right to vote.
No, it wasn't until the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in 1920 that women were granted suffrage.
A constitution is not a Who, it is a What.
No. The Constitution only uses the gender neutral "people" or "person" and never specifically mentions either sex, male or female. The Constitution was thus phrased to apply equally to both women and men.Contrary to common opinion, women were not denied the right to vote by the original Constitution--the individual states were left to determine their own requirements for voting. It was at the state level that women were unconstitutionally denied their right to vote. The states lost the power to exclude citizens from voting on the basis of sex with the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920.
There were 7 articles in the original Constitution.
however they wished. i got it right on my quiz. :]
The National Archives in Washington DC, right next to the Declaration of Independence
The original constitution was called ''Articles of Confideration''
There are 38 signatures on the original constitution.
The original Bill of Rights in the US Constitution.
Freedom of Assembly
The original Constitution did forbid an official religion for the nation. However, everyone in the US has the right to religious freedom.