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During colonial times there were many Quakers in Pennsylvania. Huguenots and German Pietists were also brought there by William Penn. Dutch Reformed, Lutherans, Quakers, and Anglicans, Protestants, Dutch Mennonites, Baptists, and Jews were all there along with indigenous Indians and African slaves and freemen and their spiritual traditions. A beautiful cornucopia of religions that added to our melting pot of culture. None were right, but none were really wrong either. That is why freedom to practice the religion of your choice is so important. Or to not practice any religion at all.


The Quakers were the main religious group who settled in Pennsylvania to retreat from loyalists and land ruled by the king. up up away rule kindom


The main religious grop in colonial Pennsylvania would be the Quakers. Whom had gotten there name because many other religious groups thought that they were afraid to fight. They claimed that the Quakers would "quake" when about to fight. that is false though. The Quakers wern't afraid to fight, they just didn't believe in it. They preferred to settele there conflicts peacefully.

It began as a refuge for European Quakers. Other groups that found sanctuary in PA included:

  • Catholics
  • Lutherans
  • Jews
  • Amish
  • Mennonites.

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16y ago

There are multipul religions in PA.

including: Catholsism



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14y ago

The Quakers were the initial religious group in Pennsylvania. They were (and still are) tolerant of others religiious beliefs.

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The religios practice for the colony of Pennsylvania is "Quaker".

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In the 1700s, the dominant religion in Pennsylvania was Christianity, with a significant presence of various Protestant denominations including Quakers, German Reformed, Lutherans, and Anabaptists. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a haven for religious freedom, attracting diverse religious groups.

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There was religious freedom in colonial Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1681 and was originally based on religious freedom for the Quakers.

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Pennsylvania was successful in establishing one of the earliest forms of democratic government in America with the Pennsylvania Frame of Government. It was also successful in promoting religious tolerance by welcoming various religious groups to settle in the colony. Additionally, Pennsylvania played a key role in the American Revolution, being the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

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The colony of Pennsylvania was established as a religious sanctuary for the Quakers.

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One factor that drew people to settle in Pennsylvania was the promise of religious freedom and tolerance. Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a refuge for persecuted religious groups, offering settlers the freedom to practice their faith without fear of persecution.

What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania and massuchusets?

One key difference is that Pennsylvania had a more tolerant and diverse religious landscape, with William Penn promoting religious freedom and welcoming various groups such as Quakers, Baptists, and Presbyterians. In contrast, Massachusetts Bay Colony was founded by Puritans seeking religious refuge and established a more exclusive society with strict adherence to Puritan beliefs and practices.

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The most religiously diverse colonies prior to the Great Awakening were found in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. Pennsylvania was known for its Quaker population and religious tolerance, while Rhode Island was founded on principles of religious freedom and attracted various religious groups seeking refuge.