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Christianity was one religion, but there was the cult of Isis and of Mithras which were also popular. The cult of Cybele too. Historians label these religions "cults" because they were pre-Christian or "pagan" but to the people who followed them, they were religions with rules and rituals.

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Q: What religion first gained popularity as part of the Roman Empire in the 4th century?
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What gained importance as the Roman Empire declined?


When was the flintlock pistol made?

The flintlock pistol was developed in the early 17th century and gained popularity as a firearm during the 18th century. It was commonly used by military personnel and civilians alike during that time period.

When was ancient Rome a dominant empire?

Rome gained control over most of Italy in the late 4th century and 2nd century BC. She started gaining possessions outside Italy in the late 2nd century BC. The western part of the Roman Empire fell under the weight of the invasions by the Germanic peoples in 476 AD. The eastern part of this empire continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years

Which empire gained of the Fertile Crescent?

The Babylonian Empire , and also Assyrian

When did Constantine gained complete control of the Roman Empire?

Constantine gained complete control of the Roman empire in either 314 or 316. Sources differ on the year.

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