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The variety of deities worshipped throughout the Roman Empire was as vast as its differences in language and culture. Judaism was considered a religio licita, or recognized religion, and Romans protected it. By the late second century B.C.E., Rome had come to identify her chief deities with those of the Greek pantheon-Jupiter with Zeus, Juno with Hera, and so on. (Watchtower 5/15/10)

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Q: What religion did the Romans believe in in the early years?
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Why did the Romans treat Jesus badly?

Pagane religion beliefs and Christian beliefs where not compatible at all. and the pagane religion was the one that Rome had the 1000 years between its foundation till christianism was taken as the oficial religion. so, the majority of the roman hated christians, therefore the guy who was triying to get adepts to it, Jesus.

Who cane first vikings or Romans?

The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.

What religion were the Romans when Jesus was crucified?

At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.

How long did the Jewish zealots hold off the Romans at Masada?

From early 72 AD until the spring of 73 AD, so about a year.

Who did the Romans distrusted Nefertiti or Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.Cleopatra was distrusted by the Romans. Nefertiti lived about two thousand years before Rome existed.

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Why did the Romans treat Jesus badly?

Pagane religion beliefs and Christian beliefs where not compatible at all. and the pagane religion was the one that Rome had the 1000 years between its foundation till christianism was taken as the oficial religion. so, the majority of the roman hated christians, therefore the guy who was triying to get adepts to it, Jesus.

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What role does confirmation theory in science play in religion?

It doesn't ether you can believe all of the scientific evidence that has been collected over the years or you can believe all of this superstitious crud.

How long did Romans have kings?

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