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Q: What region in Africa has been marked by tyrants coups and ethnic violence?
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What were the national boundaries like in Africa at the end of the 19th century?

At the end of the 19th century, many African borders were determined by colonial powers through the Berlin Conference. These borders often divided ethnic groups and communities, leading to later tensions and conflicts. This period marked the scramble for Africa, where European nations carved up the continent for colonization.

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Henry Stanley was a British explorer who famously trekked through Africa. His interactions with the Africans he encountered were often marked by colonial attitudes, exploitation, and violence. While Stanley claimed to have peaceful interactions, historians have since criticized his treatment of the native populations.

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sacred kingship

What is the term for people who loves to watch violence?

Sadistic: person who likes inflicting pain/violence on othersthesaurus: cruel, savage, brutal, beastly, vicious, ruthless, perverted, perverse, inhuman, barbarous, fiendish

When is Human Rights Day in South Africa?

March 21, AnnuallyHuman Rights Day in South Africa is marked annually on March 21.

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nelson Mandela fought against the racial practice in south Africa..and the discrimination between white and coloured

What small african country broke out in violence in 1994?

Rwanda experienced a devastating genocide in 1994, marked by violence between the Hutu majority and Tutsi minority. This conflict resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives in a short period of time.

What does Krystallnacht mean?

Krystallnacht was 'the night of the broken glass'. It was a major pogrom which marked the overt beginning of large-scale physical violence against the German Jews.