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Declare war

Issue money

Conduct diplomacy

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Q: What powers did the national government have under the Articles of Confederation Check all of the boxes that apply?
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Why was the articles of confederations weak?

The Articles of Confederation gave the government no separation of powers.

Why did the articles of confederation not allow the national government to exercise implied powers?

They were afraid of a tyranny.

The articles of confederation established the first form of an early national government for the independent state according to the articles of confederation who maintained control of the major powers?

C.the individual states

All what made the national government weak under The Articles of Confederation?

Congress could not negotiate with foreign powers

What powers did the national government under the articles of confederation?

But the Articles left most important powers to the states. These powers included the authority to set taxes and enforce national laws. The Articles proposed to leave the states in control of the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains .

The Articles of Confederation was created to?

The Articles of Confederation gave the central government limited powers. The central government was allowed to conduct foreign political and commercial relations. They were also allowed to declare war.

Why does the articles of confederation give the national government few powers?

Many Americans were afraid that a strong government would leady to tyranny, or oppressive rule.

What kind of system are the Articles of Confederation in?

The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to the central government.

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of what body?

The Articles of Confederation limited the powers of the central government, known as the Confederation Congress. This central government had limited authority and could not levy taxes or regulate trade, among other limitations.

The union of American states under the Articles of Confederation was a?

It was a league of friendship, in which the states were sovereign and the national government had only weak delegated powers.

What criticism of the articles of confederation and which government did they say they had too much of it?

The main criticism of the Articles Of Confederation was to provide adequate powers for the central government. The State Government had too much power.

What are three problems with the Articles of Confederation?

The three weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were that it limited the powers of Congress and preserved the powers of the states, Congress had little economic power, and the new confederation government was weak since there was no president to carry out the laws.