After the French Revolution, the Estates General was abolished and never met again. A new constitution was created that supported property rights as well as a bicameral legislature as it was believed to be more stable than a simple one house legislature. Executive power went to the Director which consisted of five people who were elected to office by the legislators.
The growing violence of the French Revolution resulted in various consequences. The Reign of Terror, led by Maximilien Robespierre, resulted in the execution of thousands of people, including political opponents and perceived enemies of the revolution. The violence also sparked a wave of fear and instability in France, leading to a loss of public support for the revolution and the rise of more conservative forces. Additionally, the violence and chaos of the revolution contributed to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the establishment of the French Consulate and later the French Empire.
The political commissar was an employee of the Russian federal government. They were present during the French Revolution to oversee the military and ensure the governments control over the military.
Maximilien Robespierre.
Maximilien Robespierre.
Two important reforms of the French revolution were, the abolition of the hereditary aristocracy, and the introduction of the metric system.
The French Revolution of 1848 ultimately resulted in the creation of the French Second Republic. This is also referred to as the February Revolution.
The Revolution started in 1789 due to a number of political, social, and economic factors including over-taxation, increased national debt from numerous wars, failed social reforms, and famine. These factors ultimately resulted in a large gap between the privileged class of nobles and clergy and the increasingly impoverished peasant populace.
The French revolution was a bloody affair and resulted in the death of most of the French nobility.
Some political upheavals that resulted from Enlightenment ideas include the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Latin American independence movements. These movements were inspired by principles such as individual rights, equality, and the rejection of absolute monarchy. They led to the establishment of new democratic governments and the overthrow of traditional authoritarian rule.
began in 1789 with the French Revolution
A major result of the French revolution was that the middle class gained political influence.
The growing violence of the French Revolution resulted in various consequences. The Reign of Terror, led by Maximilien Robespierre, resulted in the execution of thousands of people, including political opponents and perceived enemies of the revolution. The violence also sparked a wave of fear and instability in France, leading to a loss of public support for the revolution and the rise of more conservative forces. Additionally, the violence and chaos of the revolution contributed to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte and the establishment of the French Consulate and later the French Empire.
Washington was unhappy about it but the Jeffersonians supported the French Revolution.
the French Revolution
It was not a political party, but the Jacobins took control.
Exclusively political.