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After the Kaiser (Wilhelm II) fled, due to the loss of World War 1, Germany went into a state of Political instability. Fredrick Ebert, the leader of the Social Democrats Party, became the new socialist leader of Germany. Although the Social Democrats had power, they didn't have control.

A political party called the Spartacists (later the German Communist Party) clashed heavily with Ebert and attempted many government overthrows. None of these were successful and when Ebert held an election, the Social Democrats won the majority of seats.

In 1919, Germany became the Weimar Republic and this republic did not fall until 1933. Ebert remained president until 1923 and the Social Democrats had the majority in parliament for this time.

Note: On the 13th of March 1920, Wolfgang Kapp, an extreme nationalist who hated the government for signing the Treaty of Versailles, staged a Putsch. The Kapp Putsch was support by the police and the Friekorps but not the workers.

Kapp overthrew the government, who fled from Berlin, and was the ruler of Germany for a total of 100 hours. Because the workers refused to comply, Berlin became paralysed, with no coal, water, gas or transport. The government also refused to give Kapp any money. Kapp eventually gave in and fled to Sweden.

Ebert and the rest of the Weimar government were about to return to Berlin as if nothing had happened.

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