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The factual number based on statistics is 5.8%. This number balloons to the twentieth percentile, when those who have an agenda try to say everybody in the household who lives with the head of household(Slave Owner) is an owner as well. Also, you have to remember, if one slave owner had 300 slaves they spread this number amongst the entire southern population, so automatically 299 whites that didn't own slaves now owned at least one. People need to get past this era in order to move on, if you keep rehashing it, it will never go away. Just about every race in history has been enslaved at one point or another. Only about 1% of the population lived like Scarlet O'hare on a big southern plantation, most lived in squalor in the backwoods.

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Q: What percent of Southerners actually owned slaves?
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How many southerners owned 20 or more slaves

What percent of southerners in the US owned slaves?

Less than 5%, only the elite could afford them.

What ratio of white southerners owned slaves?

In 1860, approximately 25% of white households in the southern United States owned slaves. This means that not all white southerners owned slaves, but a significant portion did.

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Why was life so different after the south lost especially because so few southerners actually owend slaves

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Around 75% of southern whites owned fewer than five slaves. The majority of white southerners owned no slaves at all, as slaves were primarily held by a small percentage of wealthy plantation owners.

What percent owned fewer than 5 slaves?

Of all the slaves owned forty-nine percent owned fewer than 5 slaves. Only five percent of Southern whites lived in a home that owned slaves. Which equals out to twenty-five percent of whites owned slaves.

How many white southerners owned slaves?

fewer than 4%

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It divided the white Southerners into two groups. The group of people who owned slaves, and those who didn't.