The hind leg
Specifically - it becomes Gammon due to how it's cooked. Ham is also from the hind leg, but is not curred.
Curing is the process which turns a ham (rear leg inc. joint) in to a gammon.
Gammon originates with a pig. It is the hind leg of pork, cut from a side of bacon after curing.
Many cuts of pork have historically been salted to preserve them, but the part commonly called salt pork comes from the belly of the pig. This is the same place that produces bacon.
It originates from Germany.
See the link below for a great article Sausages come from the tail of a pig DU ^ BUT SAUSAGES ARENT CURLY!
Bologna comes from the pig.
Gammon joints come from different parts of a pig, depending upon the type of gammon. For example, the corner gammon comes from the top corner of the whole leg and slipper gammon comes from the side of the pig.
Gammon comes from a fish but stupid people thimk it comes from a pig! Oink Oink x
Gammon comes from a fish but stupid people think it comes from a pig! Oink Oink! x
Pork covers all the cuts of meat that comes from a pig. Bacon and ham are popular cuts that come from pigs, as well as gammon. Here is a diagram that shows you all the cuts you get from a pig.
Yes, gammon is pork. It is the hind leg that has been cured (like bacon) but uncooked.
Gammon originates with a pig. It is the hind leg of pork, cut from a side of bacon after curing.
No, gammon is not a fish. Gammon is a type of cured ham, usually taken from the hind leg of a pig. It is often served cooked as a main dish.
what country did the name gammon originate?
Pig lips come from the snout area of the pig. They are a culinary delicacy in some cuisines and are used in various dishes.
The general name for pig meat is pork, which is then divided into different types like ham, bacon, gammon, and so on.
The part of a pig that pork steaks come from is typically the shoulder. Pork steaks can also come from the leg or loin of the pig.
the hock