The Chinchorro and Chachapoya's also mummified their dead. In fact the Chinchorros were the first ever peoples to mummify their dead 7000 years ago before the Ancient Egyptians did.
The Egyptians believed that Osiris, the god of the dead, was the first to be mummified.
they mummified the dead for the afterlife
A mummy was a person before it died. Although on rare occasions, other creatures were mummified by certain ancient cultures. The typical use of mummification was to preserve a body after the person had died. One culture that used this practice were the ancient Egyptians. Only rich or royal Egyptians such as the Pharaohs were mummified.
ughhh, i have no idea. HELP!
No. Being mummified was very expensive in ancient Egypt. Only a privileged few people were mummified. These people would have been Pharaohs, priests or other really important people.
More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.More than likely the mummified it and buried it, the same as they would do with any other dead Egyptian.
The people that were mummified had their pets mummified, also.
The Egyptians believed that Osiris, the god of the dead, was the first to be mummified.
they mummified them and buried them
To bury dead pharaohs in after they were mummified
they mummified them like they did with the humans
no one. the mummies are dead.
Many ancient civilizations mummified there kings and queens to send them into the after life.
they mummified the dead for the afterlife
To put the tombs in and in the tombs there are dead mummified people.
A mummy was a person before it died. Although on rare occasions, other creatures were mummified by certain ancient cultures. The typical use of mummification was to preserve a body after the person had died. One culture that used this practice were the ancient Egyptians. Only rich or royal Egyptians such as the Pharaohs were mummified.
Only pharaohs and other rich ancient Egyptians got to be mummified. It does happen accidentally sometimes.