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One of her failures was allowing the boyars to increase their stranglehold on Russian peasants. She took firm action to repress the peasants when they revolted against the harsh conditions of serfdom. As a result, conditions grew worse for the peasants, and even more were forced into serfdom. The fact that she kept serfdom alive while it was dying out in other places put Russia at a disadvantage in world affairs.

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13y ago
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14y ago

1) By the time of Peter's death, the Russian army had over 200,000 men and to pay for such a big army, Peter made Russia pay heavy taxes

2) When he died he had no heir to the throne and created harsh times when he passed

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13y ago

He really wasnt. HE was harsh to his son and had a paranoia of being overthrown but he did so much for Russia. In his time Russia was kind of lost in technology and science, they stuck to tradition and were lost in the past. Peter launched his great embassy and started to change Russia for the better.

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11y ago

· Established the foundation for the unification of the German princely states, which would enable Germany to emerge as a major world power at the start of the twentieth century.

Preemptively struck Saxony in 1756 bringing on the Seven Years War.

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9y ago

Apart from using paintings by old masters for target practice during his visit to England, not that many. He was ruthless in his efforts to drag Russia kicking and screaming out of the Middle Ages and introduce Western ways to its nobles, but if there was collateral damage in the process he would have used the quote about the omelets and the breaking of eggs. He had his eldest son tortured to death which could be called a mistake in the sense that when Peter himself died, he had no other son to succeed him. But he earned the sobriquet "the Great" by expanding Russian territory, beating the Swedes among others, building St Petersburg which was to become famous for its beauty and modernizing Russia. He himself died without regretting anything he could have considered a mistake in hindsight.

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16y ago

probably that the condition of the serfs deteriorated during her reign

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15y ago

He was GREAT obviously.

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12y ago

not wearing protection

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