These US Service Medals are all higher commendations than the Silver Star. In their Order of Precedence: 1. Medal of Honor 2. Service Cross Medals: Navy Cross, Army Distinguished Sevice Cross, Air Force Cross 3. Distinguished Service Medals: Defense Distinguished Service Medal, Navy Distinguished Service Medal, Army Distinguished Service Medal, Air Force Distiguished Service Medal and Coast Guard Distinguished SErvice Medal. 4. Silver Star The Medal of Honor, Service Cross, Silver Star are awarded for different degrees of heroism in battle.
The list of medals higher than the Bronze Star are:
1.Medal of Honor
2.Distinguished Service Cross(Army)/Navy Cross/Air Force Cross
3.Army/Navy/Air Force/Defence/Homeland Security Distinguished Service Medal
4.Silver Star
5.Defence Superior Service Medal
6.Legion of Merit
7.Distinguished Flying Cross
8.Soldier's/Navy & Marine Corp/Airman's/Coast Guard Medal
9.Gold Lifesaving Medal
According to AR 600-9-22, Table 3-4, the Purple Heart is to the left of the Bronze Star. The Bronze Star is a higher medal than the Purple Heart, and medals or ribbons are mounted right to left, top to bottom. The regulation can be found at
Recommend researching: The American War Library.Improvement:Go to the Hall Of Heroes website and search on his name. This site will also be useful for all medals higher than the SS.
Because tradition made it that way. Silver in some cases, is more prestigious than gold, but in the case of the Olympics, it is not.
Taking all international athletes into consideration, the one with the most Olympic medals overall is a Russian-Ukranian, Larissa Latynina. A former Soviet gymnast, she won more Olympic medals than anyone in history, male or female, in any sport. She won 18 medals; nine gold medals, five silver and four bronze.
Yes there is the big one which is the last one called the platinum medal
Recommend researching: The American War Library.Improvement:Go to the Hall Of Heroes website and search on his name. This site will also be useful for all medals higher than the SS.
In the US Air Force medals with higher precedence than the Distinguished Flying Cross are:Legion of MeritDefense Superior Service MedalSilver Star MedalAir Force Distinguished Service MedalDistinguished Service CrossCongressional Medal of HonorIn the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force medals with higher precedence than the Distinguished Flying Cross are:Conspicuous Gallantry CrossVictoria Cross
one is silver and one is bronze The Silver Star Medal is a higher award for bravery than the Bronze Star Medal. The Bronze Star Medal was issued to any Infantryman who fought in combat. The Silver Star Medal is silver and has a ribbon that is prodominately blue. The Bronze Star Medal is identical in size and design except it is bronze and has a ribbon that is mainly red.
According to AR 600-9-22, Table 3-4, the Purple Heart is to the left of the Bronze Star. The Bronze Star is a higher medal than the Purple Heart, and medals or ribbons are mounted right to left, top to bottom. The regulation can be found at
more than 42 medals in total IN 2009 19-25 gold 7-11 silver 3-7bronze IN 2012SHE WON MORE THAN 53 MEDALS 29-34 GOLD 14-16 SILVER 9 BRONZE
Recommend researching: The American War Library.Improvement:Go to the Hall Of Heroes website and search on his name. This site will also be useful for all medals higher than the SS.
China won 38 Gold Medal 27 Silver Medals and 23 Bronze Medals for 88 Medals and second place over Russia with 82 medals and less than the USA with 104 medals won
There were 2 more silver medals awarded than gold medals because there were 2 ties for second place in swimming (men's 50 meter breaststroke and 100 meter butterfly). When this happens, both athletes are awarded the silver medal and no bronze medal is awarded.
Graphene has higher conductivity than silver.
An orange star is one whose surface temperature is higher than that of a red star but lower than that of a yellow star.
Gold is heavier than silver. Gold has a higher density than silver, which means that a specific volume of gold will weigh more than the same volume of silver.
989 is a higher silver content than Sterling which is 925 / 1000