The 1960s didn't start out with colorful clothes. They were dully designed and looked better on older people. Then little shops called boutiques opened selling cheap and colorful clothing for younger people. During the decade, women started wearing mini skirts, leather boots and fake eyelashes. Men wore Paisley shirts, velvet trousers and high collared Regency jackets. Men also began to wear their hair long.
1960-1962 - At this time, there was a carry over from the 50's, including the "bouffant" look. A "bouffant" look is a dress where the top part is tight and the skirt of the dress puffs out. The popular hairstyle was a beehive, where they tease their hair and piled it high on their head. Another look during this time was the beatnik. The beat look included black berets, black slacks (tight for women) and dark glasses. Women wore float shoes while men wore sandals. Women wore dark eye makeup.
1963 - Cardin designed the Beatles suits which became popular for men. The suit had a single breasted collarless jacket and slim pants. Mary Quant started her own label, and is responsible for designing mini skirts, colored tights, and wet look vinyl fashions.
1964 - Space age clothing starts to become popular. Different materials were used such as discs of metal or plastic linked together with wire. Leather is also used. Metallic or neon colors were involved.
1965 - Mini skirts become much shorter. Op art becomes more popular. Optic trick using contrasting colors with black and white to make a sort of optical illusion.
1966 - Psychedelic clothing is now a hit. Colors (acid colors) are brighter and bolder. Men begin to dress "fancy".
1967 - Ethnic fashions begins to spread. The ethnic look is clothing picked up from other cultures. The Oriental look and the African/Middle Eastern looks were both port of the ethnic fashion.
1968-1969 - Skirts begin to lengthen out, along with hair. The "Hippie look" is now popular. The women wore long floor length dresses and skirts called maxies. Men continued to grow their hair longer. Hippies decorated everything, including painting their bodies.
Cool ClothesThe Vietnam War
The 1960's decade began, and so did the Vietnam War. Debate between politicians began as well, almost as bad as the war itself. White House records and transcripts show that the U.S. military leaders usually voted for the use of nuclear bombs, while Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy wanted not to get into those weapons. The Vietnam War did start in the 60's, but there had been trouble in Vietnam before that.
Tunnel used by the U.S. troops to hide in during the war
The trouble started when the people of North Vietnam wanted to take over South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese people didn't want that, so they tried to fight back. Soon, the Americans pushed their way in the war. They thought that if South Vietnam didn't want to be part of North Vietnam, they shouldn't be bossed around. America began to fight for South Vietnam.
In 1961, President Kennedy sent a group of people to Vietnam to report the conditions. A reporter known as the "December 1961 White Paper" argued for more in military and economic aid. It also had an introduction of a large scale American "advisers" to help stabilize the Diem regime and pound the NFL (National Liberation Front.)
Things had gotten worse in 1968 for the Johnson administration. In late January the DRV (or North Vietnam) and the NFL began to attack some major cities in South Vietnam. The attacks were known as the Tet Offensive, which was a way to fosre the Johnson administration to the bargaining table. The Americans were getting war weary, as The Communists Party correctly decided, and that they were not likely to succeed much longer in war. Many people thought that the Tet offensive was a military defeat, it had produced the desired results. Lyndon Johnson was disgraced, and announced he would not seek the Democratic Party's re-nomination for president, then hinted he was going to the bargaining table to end the war.
Roger Maris hit homer number 61, setting a record that wasn't broken until the September of 1998 by Mark McGwire.
Wlima Rudolph, a black American woman, received three Olympic gold medals in fast running. As a child, she was very ill with pneumonia and scarlet fever. She barely lived, and doctors said she probably would never be able to walk again. But she never gave up hope, and was not only able to walk again, but able to outrun everyone else in the Olympics to be rewarded with three gold medals.
In 1962, Jackie Robinson, the first black American to play in Major League Baseball, was placed in the Baseball Hall of Fame for his talent.
The first Super Bowl was played in 1967, with the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs; the Packers won.
As you now know, the 1960's was much more than boring information about the least-important event, (remember there actually really was no boring or least-important event) but crammed with peace, love, war, and excitement. This busy decade was probably one of the most fun decades you'll ever learn about. All the fun and excitement of this decade will surely put some fun and excitement in your life.
Cuban Missile Crisis. This was when Florida was in range of Cuba's nuclear missiles. So the president made a compromise: Cuba remove its missiles and USA would remove missiles from near Cuba's mother-country.
Well the sixties was a big "hippies" age! Music revolution such as Pink Floid and The Beatles. They were mostly rock songs. hope I helped. :) Elizabeth:)
The sixties was a revolution for the young. Baby boomers from post- World War II were teenagers and young adults. They began the change of the government, of expression, and art. Peace, love, and happiness was a big theme during that time. These people were known as "hippies", but there were also well educated students who questioned the political choices of the government as well. In addition, there were 4 major deaths in the sixties. John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Bobby Kennedy, and Malcolm X, all of who were assassinated (not in that order). And don't forget Nixon and Watergate problems. The Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam war protesting, and womens movement were major issues during this time. I hoped this helped a little. <>
The Sixties were also the heyday of the U.S. Manned Space Program, from the first American in space (Alan Shepard in Freedom 7, May 5, 1961) to the first human being to walk on the moon (Neil Armstrong on Apollo 11, July 20, 1969).
John F Kennedy`s assassination, the civil rights movement, Robert Kennedy`s assassination, Woodstock, Martin Luther King`s assassination
The death of JFK , landing on the moon, the war in Vietnam, the murders at the Munich Olympics....
vietnam war
What major events happened in history on June, 18, 1975?
There are many major events that happened in 1920. However, the most popular one was The Great Depression which had impact in the entire world.
The television was born
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established.
Hippie Revolution...Peace Out!
vietnam war
Apex: All of The Above
up my butt
What major events happened on August 24, 2009
What major events happened in history on June, 18, 1975?
No events happened asses
The Black Plague is one of the major events.
baseball,basketball,football,hockey, and golf
what are some major events happened in washington dc during 1787-1900