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On May 14, 1948, the last British troops pulled out of Palestine as prominent members of the future Israeli government, such as David Ben-Gurion, met in Tel Aviv to declare Israel as a brand new state. Shortly afterwards, armies from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and other Arab royalist nations set out from their homelands to quash the new state. However, members of the Israeli Army were better trained than their opponents. In addition, the Arab nations' supply lines were overextended whereas Israel's were more organized and had a central command.

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Q: What led neighboring Arab countries to attack Israel in 1948?
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Who the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 about how many native Palestinians moved into neighboring Arab countries?


What year did Israel became an independent state?

Israel became a state on May 14, 1948 when they declared independence with the neighboring Arab states.

Was Israel invaded by five neighboring states?

Yes. Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq (via Jordan) invaded Israel in 1948.

How many times has Israel attacked its neighboring countries since its creation in 1948?

1) In 1956, Israel attacked Egypt with the prompting of the United Kingdom and France. 2) In 1967, Israel attacked Egypt responding to an Egyptian blockade of Israel's southern port. All other wars that Israel has participated in have been brought about due to attacks on its land or its people first.

What day did the zionist attack Palestine?

1948 Zionist never attacked Palestine; there were always Zionistic Jews in Israel. Palestine is just a name the British made up for the area; Zionist obviously couldn't have attacked it in 1948. Israel declared independence and most of the Arab countries attacked it.

What day did the Arab nations attack Israel?

The Arab nations formally declared War on Israel on the 19th of May 1948, the day after Israel declared its independence.

What was the immediate result when Israel declared its independence in May 1948?

Armies from six Arab Countries invaded Israel.

Is Israel the newest country?

No. It was established in 1948 and there are countries that have been established since then.

What is human migration and an example?

Migration is the process of moving from one place to live in another. As seen in 1948 when the Arabs left Palestine after Israel declared Independence and settled on the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and other neighboring Arab countries.

What date did Israel first begin?

It was established in 1948 following the British withdrawal from Palestine, which had been divided by recommendation of the United Nations into Jewish and Arab states. Discord with neighboring Arab countries that had rejected the UN partition led to numerous wars, notably in 1948-1949, 1956-1957, 1967, and 1973.

Where did Arab refugees from Israel flee to after the 1948 Arab Israeli war?

I do want to note first that "the 1948 war" is actually an on-going war since that date (it has not ended). The refugees traveled (on foot) to the neighboring countries: Lebanon (north), Syria (north east), Jordan (east), and Egypt (south west)

What country was established in 1948?

Countries which were established in 1948 include Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, North Korea, South Korea, and Israel.