Axe..body armor..longbow..crossbow..few guns and is useless due to distance
The Strait of Magellan is a passageway at the bottom of South America the Ferdinand Magellan discovered. It is not as much use to people now due to the Panama Canal but back then it made travel much quicker although it was very dangerous.
I think that i know what it is for weapons it is gun and knife.
arrows,knifes,and sharp rock
they made weapons out of jade and other stones. they used clubs, spaers, and i need help with the rest that they used.
one of the routes magellan used was the strait of magellan
give the 5 boat did Magellan use and the 5 things HE used the Victoria
Ferdinand Magellan did not survive his attempt to circumnavigate the globe.
yes he did prove Vespucci was correct
Trinidad Conception Victoria San Antonio Santiago
There were three main tools that were used by Ferdinand Magellan to navigate while he explored the world. These were the Black Staff, the Compass and Compass Rose, and the Lead Line.
The Strait of Magellan is a passageway at the bottom of South America the Ferdinand Magellan discovered. It is not as much use to people now due to the Panama Canal but back then it made travel much quicker although it was very dangerous.
lots of different weapons