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The tools the Sioux Indians used are bows & arrows, spears, war clubs, &buffalo-hide, the hunters used snares. Also adzes, axes, needles, looms, awls, scrapers, hammers, drills, knives, slings, tinder boxes, spoons, mortars & pestles, hooks, nets, flints, and many more.

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14y ago
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14y ago
The Weapons of the SiouxThe weapons used by the Sioux in close combat were heavy wooden clubs. If they wished to kill an enemy or animal from a long distance, they would use bows and arrows while they were riding their horses. If they were up close on a horse while trying to attack an enemy they would use a lance, a spear with a shaft as long as ten feet, to spear through an opponent or buffalo. The Sioux later would use rifles and pistols which were traded or gained through warfare.

They also used tomahawks and of course they had knives, bolas, and war shields, usually with a buffalo, deer, turtle, or eagle painted on it. The shields were believed to bring sacred protection from wankan tanka

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13y ago

Well the Sioux Indians and there tribe used bows and spears and hammers made out of rocks and the Indians used some thing called the snare... hope if u are getting a grade on this GOOD LUCK..... : )

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