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The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically. The government took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the people. The New Deal programs of FDR also created a liberal political alliance made up of labor unions, blacks and other ethnic and religious minorities, intellectuals, the poor, and some farmers. These groups became the backbone of the Democratic Party for decades following the Depression. As the federal government grew with new agencies and reform attempts, the cost of government increased. The grow of the government continued following the New Deal.

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Roosevelt and the New Deal left a positive, and negative, impact on the American people. One of the ways was that he did this was by funding public school systems for students, like you, to learn something. This way bread winners wouldn't be competing in the work force for jobs.

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Q: What kind of legacy did Roosevelt and the New Deal leave Americans?
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The New Deal was Franklin Roosevelt's program for stimulating the economy.