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Harry S. Truman made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Japan during World War ll.

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Q: What key decisions did Harry Truman make as a president?
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What is presidential first for Harry S. Truman?

Truman was the first president to make a presidential address that was broadcast on coast-to-coast television. Truman was first president from Missouri.

What did President Harry Truman make the decision to drop on Japan in August 1945?

apex= atomic bombs

What was important about what Harry Truman did dropped the atomic bomb?

President Truman stated that he needed to end the war and to collapse Japan's means to make war ever again and it did.

Who was the man who would make the dicision to use the atomic bomb on Japan after replacing Roosevelt as President in 1945?

Harry S Truman

What are some moral implecations Harry Truman faced dropping the atomic bomb?

President Truman wanted to end the war and to collapse Japan's means to make war. He ordered the bombs with no regrets.

When did U.S. president Harry S. Truman make the decision of using atomic bombs?

Probably as soon as Stimson informed him that it was being worked on.

Who was the first president to broadcast the state of the union address on the radio?

Harry S. Truman was the first president to make a television broadcast from the white house.

How did president Harry Truman explain using atomic bombs on japan in 1945?

He stated that he wanted to end the war and collapse Japan's means to make war.

Can a business president make informed decisions?

A business president can make informed decisions. Not every business president makes informed decisions, but there are at least some business presidents who bother to become well informed before they make their business decisions.

Who was president during world war 2 when the nuclear bomb dropped on japan?

According to wikipedia Harry S. Truman was president from April 1945-1953 which would make him president in August 1945 when the first atomic bomb was dropped.

Who decided to drop the atomic bomb on japan and why?

President Harry Truman because he (mainly) wanted to avoid having to spend millions of troops in an invasion of Japan to get them to surrender. He also just wanted to show the world that we were the best and we intended to make it stay that way and at a forced peace.

Would you please show me how to make a sentence using the Truman Doctrine?

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