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Germany declared war on the United States on 11 December 1941 and the US responded accordingly.

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Q: What justification is given for the US declaring war on Germany?
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What is the effects on Germany declaring war on France?

it became global

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Do think that US was justified in declaring war on Germany?

At the start of the US involvement in WW II, the US was attacked by the Japanese. When the US declared that a state of war existed between the US and Japan, Germany declared war on the US. Your question should be was Germany justified in declaring war on the US.

What did the US government do after declaring war on japan and Germany?

Transformed peacetime industries into war industries

Germany declaring war on the U.S.?

Germany allied with Japan, Japan attacked America Germany had no choice and Hitler was not happy as he wanted to keep America out of the war.

What were the reasons for England declaring war on Germany?

Germanys attack on Poland in 1939

Why was Canada declaring war on Germany a good thing?

so there are less canadians