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Men had to work in factories and help the crops grow in the fields. It was a very frustrating job because they wouldn't earn enough to support their families.

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Q: What jobs did men have before world war 2 began?
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more women had to get second jobs.

What roles were African-Americans given to in World War 2?

They left the south and began working at skillful jobs while the men were away.

What jobs did woman have in World War 2?

i belive that women did any job that a man did before the men enlisted

What jobs did women have at home during World War 2?

industrial manufacturing, truck driving, construction, farming all jobs men had before going to war

How did help during the war?

During the 1940's, men were drafted into the U.S. Army during World War II. Women took those men's jobs, working as mechanics, doctors, and other jobs that were more reserved for men before the war.

What is one way World War 2 affected Western women?

With the men fighting in the war, women took the jobs that men had been doing before the war.

Why did women do men's jobs during World War I and World War 2?

Because millions of the men who normally did those jobs were in the Army and Navy.

How many soldiers did Japan have before World War 2 began?

At peak strength Japan had approximately 6,000,000 men in uniform.

How did women help during the war?

During the 1940's, men were drafted into the U.S. Army during World War II. Women took those men's jobs, working as mechanics, doctors, and other jobs that were more reserved for men before the war.

What jobs for men were there in World War 1?


What were the occupations opened to woman by World War 1?

many jobs were given to women that the men had before they left to war. these jobs included doctor, factory workers, teachers, and other jobs. some of these jobs required educational needs and woman were now allowed to take these jobs. many men were upset by this "replacement" and started discriminating woman...